Inspirational Quotes

Top Inspirational & encouraging quotes for Teens, Kids to build confidence & be optimistic & for Self Improvement,.

“Thankfully, persistence is a great substitute for talent.”

Steve Martin

whatever mind can conceive believe achieve Napoleon hill

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve

Often, we find ourselves thinking that something is not possible for us to do, or that we simply don’t have the resources or abilities to do it.  With a mindset like this, we can’t and never will be able to do those things. Now, if you change your mindset to believe that you can do whatever you want, and you are able to do it,

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Purpose of Life is to Contribute in some way

Purpose of Life is to contribute in some way

Have you ever wondered on any of these questions? What is my Purpose? What will be my legacy once I leave this world? What will people remember me for? If you want a fulfilling life, reflect and get clarity on knowing and living your purpose.  What a beautiful quote by Robert Kennedy that reminds and guides us that purpose of life is to contribute in some

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Purpose of life Live well

Purpose of Life is not to be happy…

Have you ever wondered on any of these questions? What is my Purpose? What will be my legacy once I leave this world? What will people remember me for? If you want a fulfilling life, reflect and get clarity on knowing and living your purpose.  What a beautiful quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that reminds and guides us that purpose of life is not to be

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Mindfulness Foundation- Beginners Mind

We have never been in this moment before. If we can just be present, we can appreciate wonders that are happening around us all the time. A breeze flowing, a gaze, meeting someone, a hug, looking or perhaps stopping and smelling a flower.  Listen to our Podcast & Guided Meditation: There are Seven attitudinal foundations of MINDFULNESS described by Jon Kabat-Zinn as the “major pillars of mindfulness

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Nothing is particularly hard

Nothing is particularly hard if you break it down into small jobs

If you are feeling overwhelmed, this quote will help you. Take a slow deep breath and Relax. What ever seems like a challenge or causing you anxiety, can be done in small steps.  “Nothing is particularly hard if you break it down into small jobs” Henry Ford   Hello, readers! Today’s quote is by Henry Ford. Ford’s quote explained that nothing is particularly hard if

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Honoring women water day

Be like water my friend…

let’s honor women who walk for hours for water around the world.  #worldwaterday #savewater #everydropcounts and with one of my favorite quotes by Bruce Lee; “Be Water, My Friend.Empty your mind.Be formless, shapeless, like water.You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup.You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle.You put it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot.Now water can flow

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Ayurveda As is Microcosm so is Macrocosm

As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm

In our Holistic Health series, let’s continue from the previous topic of five elements, and look at how to balance ourselves by focusing on our five senses or what Ayurveda calls as the five gateways.    Do you know which of your Mind and Body Dosha needs balancing?    Get the Mind/Body quiz to know your balancing needs? Let’s discuss Lets practice… Guided Meditation In

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Affirmation I let go of my fear

Affirmation: I let go of my fear!

Are you afraid about doing something in your life? Perhaps you have fear of failure, making a mistake or fear of being wrong. You could also be reluctant due to something from your past . Feeling afraid is one of definitions of fear. Fear is beneficial as it protects us by alerting us of dangers. However fear can also freeze us and prevent us from

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teen inspirational quote meditate creative

We must lose our fear of being wrong

Are you afraid about doing something in your life? Perhaps you have fear of failure, making a mistake or fear of being wrong. You could also be reluctant due to something from your past . Feeling afraid is one of definitions of fear. Fear is beneficial as it protects us by alerting us of dangers. However fear can also freeze us and prevent us from

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No one is perfect, thats why pencils have erasers

No one is perfect, that’s why pencils have erasers

No one is perfect… that’s why pencils have erasers Wolfgang Riebe This is a good quote, because It is easy for kids to understand as well. Lots of people are discouraged when the try to do something and then aren’t able to do it correctly, and they should not be. This quote is trying to teach us that we should keep trying and learn from

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Don't raise your voice, Improve your argument

Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.

No matter your age, I am sure that at some point in our life we all have gotten into some type of argument. Well today’s quote inspires us to pause, step back and reflect. “Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.” Desmond Tutu Well as much as arguing sounds like a bad thing, it actually can be a good thing as the opportunity can help

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Mistake not starting buddha

There are only two mistakes one can make…

If you are looking for motivation to start or get going again, this quote reminds us that there are only two mistakes: not starting and not going all the way! If you have been thinking and have not started Or perhaps hit a block, challenge and stopped along the way, Pick yourself up today & start again. “There are only two mistakes one can make

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The dream is Free, The hustle is sold seperately

The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately

How do we go from our dream to making it a success? HUSTLE! Be energetic and go after what you want, every day! You can dream and you have every right to. It does make you feel better but if you want your dream to come true without you completely wanting it, it will not happen. It means that you must be willing to make

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The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others

The Man Who Has Confidence In Himself Gains The Confidence Of Others

Confidence is something that everyone finds in scarcity at some point in their lives. Need I remind you of the countless times we have felt we wouldn’t be successful in some task because our minds tell you that is the truth? “The Man Who Has Confidence In Himself Gains The Confidence Of Others.”  Hasidic Proverb Our mind is more than capable of playing tricks and

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Confucius The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying small stones

Confucius: The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying small stones

Here is another quote by Confucius, a great Chinese philosopher who founded Confucianism. We have come across similar quotes before, but it is important to reemphasize the message that great things come from tiny steps all gathered. Whenever you’re feeling down or stressed or anxious remember that it is not permanent and is bound to go away sooner or later. The storm will abate but

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Positive Life is 10% quote

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it

Life has ups and downs and when we’re down, what we do is up to us. There is a wonderful Japanese proverb: “Fall seven times, stand up eight” which says we must react positively to falling by getting back up even if it means falling again. So how can we make life ten percent of what happens to us and ninety percent of how we

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Lincoln: The best way to predict the future

The best way to predict the future is to create it

Are you Stuck, Struggling and need Inspiration?  If you are looking for motivation, here is an Inspirational Quote by Abraham Lincoln that inspires us to go and create our future. The basic message in this quote is simple and there is every inch of truth in it. I bet that you’ve been reminded by your parents/teachers that your future lies in your hands and you

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Its time to start saying I Can

It’s time to Start saying I can

Stop saying I can’t, it’s time to start saying – “I CAN” Do this exercise and it will change your life.  Write the words I CANT and then strike off the T. Repeat this Affirmation, again and again, especially when and if your mind counters otherwise. Feel that you have already have the mindset and are successful.  Starting today BELIEVE that you can, commit to

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You Can’t Win If You Don’t Try

You can’t Win, If you don’t even Try! – Robin Sharma

If your life is not rewarding and you want to make a change but are struggling to get started, this quote by Robin Sharma inspires us with a reminder that:“You Can’t Win If You Don’t Try!” So put your blockers aside, get up and take that first step. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness; Having a positive mindset of no matter

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If you think you are too small by Dalai Lama

If you think you are too small to make a difference

Many times we think what can one person can do OR what can I do?  How ever small, Each one of us can make a difference! “If you think you are too small to make a difference,  try sleeping with a mosquito” Dalai Lama If you are still not sure, remember a time when someone did something simple, small and it brought a smile on

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Adversity is an opportunity for Mastery - Robin Sharma

Adversity is an opportunity for Mastery – Robin Sharma

If you are going through a tough time and need a need motivation this quote inspires us with a reminder that Adversity is an opportunity for us to do something and to gain Mastery. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness; Having a positive mindset of no matter what has happened, what can I do now. We can either be taken down

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Its the Hungriest who wins, not the most gifted

It’s the Hungriest who wins, not the most gifted

If you need motivation this quote inspires us to think work with our passion and be Hungry; this will get us further to the winning line. We have 50,000 thoughts a day and 98% are same as yesterday with 80% of them negative. We often don’t like to get out of our comfort zones. Let’s take this quote by Robin Sharma as inspiration to help

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When making plans think big when making progress think small

When making plans think Big, When making progress think small

If you feeling overwhellmed, stuck and dont know what to do this quote reminds and inspires us to think Big but take action with a small step. We have 50,000 thoughts a day and 98% are same as yesterday with 80% of them negative. We often don’t like to get out of our comfort zones. Let’s take this quote by James Clear as inspiration to

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