What’s one thing you can do today?Wellness & Well-being


WHY? EXERCISING has many benefits: a way to keep our brains healthy to support self-regulation..

Struggling to stay in balance?

Go from surviving to thriving! 

Invest time for your Wellness & Well-being

Learn & practice Holistic Health to unlock better mental, physical & spiritual health.

In this series, you will learn how to create daily routines that foster better overall health based on Deepak Chopra’s best-selling book “Perfect Health”.

deepak chopra Perfect health

This program is designed to equip participants with habits that unlock better mental, physical, and spiritual health.

Topics covered:

  • Six Pillars of health:
    Nutrition, Movement, Sleep, Meditation, Emotions, and Self care
  • Learn about Ayurveda a centuries-old system of health and healing and how we can integrate the principles into our lives.
  • What is your mind-body type and how to make choices to keep your life in balance?
  • Create daily routines that help prevent the preventable and foster better overall health.
  • Develop personalized routines based on your specific physical, mental, and spiritual makeup


Learn to balance & tone your Chakras with

Chakra Meditation

Holistic Health & wellbeing

WHO committed to health can be seen by this quote in their Constitution:

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

World Health Organization

Holistic health & Wellness
Wellness at work holistic

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”—Ayurvedic proverb

Affirmations refer to carefully drafted statements…  TOP 50 Affirmations

Read, Reflect & Repeat any one of below Affirmations to change your thinking and life.


Set you intentions for Optimal Health with these Affirmations:

“I am Healthy”

“I am Fit”

“I am Strong”

affirmation for Holistic Health

Interested in Wellness & Well-being?

What is Wellness?

The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health.

What is Wellbeing?

Often wellness and wellbeing are thought of and used interchangeably, they are related but not same. Wellbeing relates more to how we feel overall including emotionally. It includes abstract terms like happiness, satisfaction, sense of fulfillment.

Three steps you can take starting today:

  1. Be Active
  2. Learn to reduce Stress & Anxiety
  3. Take care of yourself & Eat Well

Introduction to AYURVEDA

  • What is Ayurveda?
  • Why do we need it?
  • How to apply it in our lives? 

Layers of Life

  • What are they?
  • Why do we need them?
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