Start & commit to a daily practice!

“The Journey of Thousand Miles starts with one Step”

One Minute Yoga

Guided - One Breath Meditation

Three Minute Yoga

Guided - Just Like Me Meditation

Five Minute Yoga

Guided - Forgiveness Meditation

Qi Gong Stretches

Guided - Loving Kindess Mindfulness Meditation

Loving Kindness is a Mindfulness Meditation to help us : mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situations.

In Loving-Kindness Meditation, one is guided, through imagery, words or phrases to extend positive thoughts to others and the self. Loving-kindness meditation cultivates feelings of compassion, equanimity and gratitude.


Walking Mindfulness

Guided - Walking Meditation

Mind your way: If you like to would like to see how you can combine stretching and meditation, then Walking Meditation is for you. Whether you are new to mediation or practice meditation regularly, this simple practice is something that you can make part of your daily routine to Pause, Focus & Recharge!

Mindful walking is an excellent way to clear your mind of clutter and help you focus. We know from many studies that even a few minutes of taking a break and being in nature can have a rejuvenating effect on the brain and help you reduce stress and anxiety.


Walking Simran Waheguru Mantra

Waheguru Simran Meditation

Simran Walking Meditation: Sikh meditation with mantra “Waheguru” : 

Simran means (Gurmukhi ਸਿਮਰਨ, Hindi: सिमरण, सिमरन) is a Punjabi word derived from the Sanskrit word स्मरण smaraṇa, “the act of remembrance, reminiscence, and recollection,” which leads to the realization. Simran is a commonly used term as a verb in Gurmukhi, which refers to ‘meditating’ of the Nām, or name, of God.

It says in the Guru Granth Sahib that through Simran one is purified and attains salvation or ‘mukti’. This is because ‘si-mar’ means ‘to die over’, thus indicating to death of ego, allowing truth ultimate truth or sat to appear.


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