Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the moment. Mindfulness has many benefits for us at work and in personal life, such as increased focus and happiness. The practice can help us reduce stress and anxiety.

What it is: Mindfulness can be defined as ‘Non-judgemental, moment to moment awareness’

What it isn’t: Emptying the mind, Achieving Relaxation or Religion

Further, there are many ways to practice Mindfulness:

  1. Breathing:  Like most meditation techniques breathing is used as a way for us to relax and be mindful.
  2. Reflection: Once we are relaxed by utilizing breathing, we can move to reflecting by focusing on a particular topic.
  3. Scanning: Going through each part of our body from head to toe. It doesn’t only help bring awareness but also helps to acknowledge and let go of any tension we may be holding in any part of our body.

Mindfulness is a topic that’s quite frequently discussed nowadays. Your friends and family members may have been practicing it and strongly recommend it to you due to the several benefits it leads to. From decreased levels of sadness and stress to greater focus on what’s important, it seems as if mindfulness is what you’ve needed all along. 

However, to understand its benefits, it’s first essential to know what mindfulness meditation is and how you can practice it. To someone who’s not familiar with it, the concept may seem foreign. Once you get to know what it’s about, you’ll realize it’s actually not as complicated as it looks. 

If you’re currently overwhelmed in life and don’t know which way to turn to, then mindfulness meditation might just be what you’re looking for. 

What is Mindfulness?

Simply put, mindfulness is described as a human’s ability to be completely present and fully aware of where you are and what you’re doing. It involves being able to feel everything and not being overwhelmed by what’s going on around you. 

Mindfulness is an ability that’s inherent to every human being; however, once practiced regularly, you become better at it, and it becomes more accessible to you. 

Mindfulness involves being in a state of mind where you’re fully aware of what you’re thinking and feeling without being too engrossed in them. Through meditation techniques, you can build your mindfulness so it can effortlessly be applied and utilized in your daily routine. 

By teaching your mind this valuable skill, you can allow yourself to live more mindfully and not react impulsively to everything that overwhelms you. It is a valuable skill to have when life brings challenges and difficult circumstances. 

What is Meditation?

Meditation is closely linked to the successful implementation of mindfulness. Meditation requires us to explore and not focus on a fixed destination. When you meditate, you go off to the most profound spaces in your mind and focus on its different sensations, emotions, and thoughts. From what you love, to what you hate, to feel even the most basic of sensations such as the wind blowing through your hair, meditation allows you to practice mindfulness. By forming the perfect training ground for mindfulness, meditation is vital to achieving full mindfulness. 

Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

So, now that you have a better understanding of mindfulness meditation, here are the different benefits that it can potentially lead to: 

While mindfulness finds its roots in Buddhism, every religion out there practices some form of meditation or prayer technique that allows you to focus on the moment and leave all worldly things behind. These practices allow you to free your mind of any preoccupation, thereby resulting in significant benefits in multiple areas. 

Impact On Mental Health 

Recent research suggests that mindfulness leads to various benefits for your mental health. In fact, psychotherapists have begun turning to it to treat many mental health concerns, such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, and conflicts between couples. 

Mindfulness helps people manage their feelings and be more aware of their thoughts. It specifically focuses on techniques such as yoga and breathing. Mindfulness training ensures people are better equipped to manage stress levels, rather than being overwhelmed in the moment. 

Its impact on mental health has made mindfulness useful in many areas, and its usage is now more widespread. Schools, for instance, are beginning to encourage mindfulness techniques to help young adults and children manage stress and cope with academic pressure. 

Similarly, mindfulness is also encouraged in the workplace, and renowned companies such as Google promote its implementation across their companies. Lastly, mindfulness is highly recommended to pregnant women deal with the anxiety related to bringing a new life into the world, thereby leading to an overall positive impact. 

Impact on Physical Health

Its benefits to one’s mental health also result in a positive impact on one’s physical health. Stress is the cause of many common health issues, such as blood pressure and diabetes. Since mindfulness helps reduce how much stress you let affect you, it directly reduces the probability of developing such health conditions. Additionally, mindfulness can also help reduce chronic pain, treat heart disease, relieve gastrointestinal issues, and improve sleep patterns. 

Impact on Well-being

Perfects the biggest impact mindfulness has on an individual is on their overall wellbeing. By practicing mindfulness meditation, mindfulness builds attitudes that help you live a more happy and satisfying life. Mindfulness puts you in a position where you’ll enjoy even the smallest things in life and find pleasure in the most simple activities. It also allows you to be more engaged in whatever you’re doing, thereby improving your ability to take on any kind of challenge. 

By focusing on being present in the moment, an individual is less likely to be overwhelmed by what the future holds and more open to whatever life brings to them. Similarly, mindful individuals are also less likely to have regrets over their pasts and less concerned with any issues of self-esteem and success. All of these practices help you build deeper connections with not just others, but also with yourself, too. 


For those of us who are very new to this, the concept of mindfulness may feel too complicated or unachievable. However, it’s actually not as difficult as most people make it out to be. With the right mindset and the openness to consistently improve not just yourself but also the surroundings around you, you can practice mindfulness meditation and benefit from all the wonderful things it could bring to your life. 

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