When making plans think Big, When making progress think small

When making plans think Big, When making progress think small

If you feeling overwhellmed, stuck and dont know what to do this quote reminds and inspires us to think Big but take action with a small step.

We have 50,000 thoughts a day and 98% are same as yesterday with 80% of them negative. We often don't like to get out of our comfort zones. Let's take this quote by James Clear as inspiration to help us change our mindset to be Positive and take action.
*The Science Behind Mindfulness Meditation

Listen to our Podcast & Guided Meditation on being Positive and Success:

If you are struggling, worried or just need a small push. Here is a practice to help you cultivate a quality of being:

  1. Positive
  2. Believing in Our self
  3. Ready to Action! such as going for your goals and taking the Risk.

REFLECT: Find time to sit in silence. Relax and start with first focusing on breathing. Next once you are settled, notice what thoughts come to mind. Does your mind then wander and can you spot any negative thoughts or patterns?

RESPOND: See if you can Note your feelings, sensations without getting hooked into the experience. If & when any thoughts arise and you feel being carried away, return back to the breath. Remind yourself of the power you have inside of you to take action. 

Affirmations on being Positive:

Now Repeat one or more of following Affirmations as you breathe in. Let Go of anything negative or not needed as you breathe out. Continue this for 2-5 minutes or more.

Affirmations on being Positive:

  1. I am always Positive
  2. I choose to stay Positive
  3. I stay Positive
  4. I find the Positive, even in the Negative 
  5. I am Tough
  6. I am Strong
  7. I am present in this moment
  8. It will be a great day
  9. I can change my thoughts
  10. I am confident, dignified and walk away from anything Negative

Affirmations for work, career, jobs and success:

  1. I know I am worthy of a great career
  2. I work hard and am Successful
  3. I am open to trying new and different way
  4. I am determined to go further
  5. I do what’s needed, Now
  6. I step out of my comfort zone
  7. I am not giving up
  8. I commit to my goal and take risk to achieve my dreams
  9. I am ready to rise and bloom

*Read More on Powerful Affirmations: what are they and why you need them in your life!

INTEGRATE:  Remember this “Positive Thinking” exercise and it will help you practice being Positive, believing in yourself and going for it.


“When making plans, think Big. When making progress, think Small”

James Clear


About the Author of Quote:  James Clear is an author of the New York Times bestseller, Atomic Habits, which has sold more than 3 million copies worldwide.

When making plans think big when making progress think small

My name is Jas. Singh, I have often found myself searching for quotes for myself, for my daughters. I have made it my goal to publish daily posts with Positive, Inspiring quotes that are encouraging for us to learn from and apply into our daily lives. 

I encourage you to not only read this quote but also to think and write does it mean to you, what and how you will apply it. If you are a leader or manager, inspire, motivate and share the positive quote with others. 

Consider Mindfulness meditation as a way to help calm down and reflect on the message.

You read all of my past Top 50 positive encouraging-Quotes

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So did you find this post helpful, what do you think? 

Please Comment below:  Words matter what you write will help someone!


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