Positive, Inspirational Quotes & Affirmations

Invest time for your Wellness & Well-being

Learn & practice Holistic Health to unlock better mental, physical & spiritual health.

In this series you will learn how to create daily routines that foster better overall health based on Deepak Chopra’s best-selling book Perfect Health

Grateful to Thich Nhat Hanh for his life dedication with message of peace, compassion that touched us and helped spread Mindfulness and Engaged Buddhism & Zen. 

TOP 100 Quotes by Thich Nhat Hanh

READY To decide what you want to commit for the new year? Check out these 15 resolutions you can make to improve your physical and mental well being during the next 12 months and beyond.        Choose a RESOLUTION

"Rise Above" Masterclass - FREE!

Words Matter! Welcome to ReflectandRespond program designed to bring you positive, inspiring, motivational content and techniques to help you make it part of your life. Our vision is to create a world that is more positive and where people are inspired and happy.

Start your day or week with a Positive Quotes & Affirmations. We share Inspiring & Motivating content paired with an Affirmation. SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter Follow us on your favorite Social Channel:

Are you motivated to achieve your dreams every day?

…Learn the secrets to supercharging your motivation levels and pursuing your dreams.

"8 Simple ways to Supercharge your Motivation every day!"

Our latest Quotes:

Start your week with an Inspirting Quote & Affirmation

Affirmations refer to carefully drafted statements that resonate personally with yourself and cultivate an attitude of positivity and self-empowerment. “If you think positive, you attract positive”

We all have limiting beliefs that prevent us from doing more than we think we can. We can change how we think.

Read, Reflect & Repeat to change your mindset!     READ MORE


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  • Walking Meditation
  • QI Gong
  • Yoga Stretches


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Learn how Mindfulness meditation can help to Focus and be present in the moment.

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Walking Meditation

A frequently asked question is can you walk and meditate? Meditation does not have to be only in a formal sitting posture.

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Guided Meditations

Listen and follow our guided meditations

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Yoga Stretching

Watch our videos on Yoga, Qi Gong and stretches

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