AFFIRMATION: I let go of Fear & choose courage

Fears are a part of life, aren’t they? How many times has fear consumed you and stopped you from doing great things?

I’m sure the answer is quite a few. Fear can be debilitating and the only way you can overcome it is by acknowledging Fear and choosing to move past it with Courage.

“I let go of FEAR &
I choose COURAGE!”


Take some steps, no matter how small. Practice this for best results –

AFFIRM IT if you agree, and REPEAT this affirmation daily, during the day that:

“I let go of FEAR & I choose COURAGE”

  1. Reflect: Do you let your fears consume you every time?
  2. Respond: Take steps to alleviate fear. Action takes precedence.
  3. Integrate: If things are not working out for you, take time out to remind yourself that you are strong, and this is just a blip in your radar.

Combine with an Quote by Robin Sharma:

We all have limiting beliefs that prevent us from doing more than we think we can. 

We all go through tough times in our lives and often due to things that have happened in past, feel we are not capable, worthy or we can’t. 

We strongly believe that repeating an affirmation can change the way we think of our self and of others. And if that thought happens to be a positive one, then it can do wonders for those who read it and apply it. 

Studies shows that Positive Affirmations are a powerful way to improve our mindset on a daily basis. How we start our mornings, sets our entire day. We must start our day with gratitude, love and care of each other.  

We hope to help you rewrite your day into a positive one with a Daily Affirmation. 


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