Create the life you've always wanted

Transform your life

Manifest your dreams & achieve the life you want


New Me - 12 week Challenge

Law of Attraction

Did you know that

  • Most people fail their resolution by Jan 19th – which is termed the Quitter’s Day
  • 80% abandon by second week of February

Join “NEW ME” 12-week

  • Create the life you’ve always wanted.
  • Attract the outcomes you desire.
  • Align your thoughts & actions to manifest your dreams & achieve the life you want.

with Law of Attraction!

“If a man is to live, he must be all alive, body, soul, mind, heart, spirit.”

–Thomas Merton

Struggling in life?

Go from surviving to thriving! With guidance and accountability put your aspirations into action with a Wellbeing plan that you live each day. It starts with PURPOSE : Knowing clearly who you are!

What’s one thing you can do today?

Wellness & Well-being

Whats one thing you can do today for your Wellness & Well-being?

Why? Practicing Mindfulness has many benefits:

  • a way to keep our brains healthy
  • to support self-regulation and
  • effective decision-making capabilities,
  • protect ourselves from toxic stress



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Balance with Ayurveda Mind-Body Prakruti Quiz

Are you’re seeking balance in your life? If so, consider taking a holistic approach. Embrace Holistic Health to enhance your…
If a man is to live, he must be all alive

If a man is to live, he must be all alive

Invest time for your Wellness & Well-being “If a man is to live, he must be all alive, body, soul,…
It’s time to Start saying I can

It’s time to Start saying I can

Stop saying I can’t, it’s time to start saying – “I CAN” Do this exercise and it will change your…
A journey of a thousand miles begins with step one!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with step one!

Have you had plans to start something? And you have been waiting to start?Take that first step! however small the step that…
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Is this real or was that real? The Story of Ashtavakra and King Janak’s dream

  In ancient India there was a King called Janak. One day, after having eaten a filling lunch, King Janak…
Story: Of what benefit is power without wisdom

Story: Of what benefit is power without wisdom

There was a Siddha who possessed great psychic powers During a winter day on the mountain, he encountered a very…
If you can’t fly, then run...

If you can’t fly, then run...

If you are looking for motivation and inspiration, what a beautiful quote by Martin Luther King Jr. about doing what…
Anger & Spiritual Progress

Anger & Spiritual Progress

Once there was a teaching event organized and a Monk was invited. The Monk arrived in plain dirty clothes not…
Reduce Stress

Reduce Stress

I have heard it quoted many times that 80 percent of the diseases are caused my over selves mainly due…
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Story of Month: A Journey Called LIFE A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer…
10 Achievable New Year Resolutions to Improve Your Life in 2025

10 Achievable New Year Resolutions to Improve Your Life in 2025

As the new year approaches, many people take the opportunity to reflect on their lives and set goals for personal…
Medicine Buddha Mantra

Medicine Buddha Mantra

TAYATA, OM BEKANDZE BEKANDZE MAHA BEKANDZE BEKANDZE, RADZA SAMUNGATE SOHA Pronounced: Tie-ya-tar, om beck-and-zay beck-and-zay ma-ha beck-and-zay beck-and-zay run-zuh sum-oon-gut-eh …
Green Tara Mantra

Green Tara Mantra

The Tara mantra is OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SVAHA.  Meaning of the Green Tara Mantra Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 1987 provides meaning…

Be Active

There are plenty of ways to get out and be active.  Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could Move & practice Mindfulness? and how about Outside in Nature?
So today let’s combine two of the six pillars of Holistic Health –  Movement & Meditation with the practice of Walking Mindfulness
It can be an excellent way to clear your mind, reduce stress / anxiety & recharge!
This simple practice is something that you can make a part of your Daily routine to pause, breathe &  Smile. 
It can be done in as little as one to five minutes. OR even during meetings So that you can reduce the distractions or multi-tasking & be focused.

Let’s Keep Moving! & Commit to investing time for our Wellness & Well-being

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Words Matter!

What you read, hear & see affects you.

We provide positive, inspiring, motivational content and practices to help you be Calm, Relaxed & Resilient!

Our vision is to create a world where people are Healthy, Optimistic and Happy.



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work to clarify your purpose with soul questions: “Who am I? What is my purpose?”

painting - ReflectandRespond


work to set intention with questions“What do I want? What am I grateful for?”

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work to clarify your purpose with questions: “How are my beliefs limiting my potential?” 

How it works?

Simple Steps to Success

Wellbeing program that will TRANSFORM your life!

Learn about how to get started & discovering your PURPOSE!

Ready to start?

Or would you like to know more

Get Instant Access to Holistic Health Masterclass



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What People say


Ryan Murphy


“It’s amazing to go through the Purpose exercise and have it as my guide.”


Jay French


“I needed the framework, tools and to reflect on the why? I am committed to my well being.”


Michelle Smith

Wellbeing Coaching

“Its was transformational –  now have a new perspective and growth mindset.”


Jason Burner


“It was eye opening to know whats holding me back . Now I have a way to counter my limiting beliefs”

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