In Sikhism, Chardi Kala (Gurmukhi: ਚੜ੍ਹਦੀ ਕਲਾ caṛhadī kalā) or Charhdi Kala, is the Punjabi term for aspiring to maintain a mental state of eternal resilience, optimism and joy;

Chardi kala can also be translated as

“positive attitude” or “ascending energy”.

It is also described as being in

“high spirits”

or having a attitude in life that is 

“positive, buoyant and optimistic”

Shift & Sustain a Positive Mindset

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on Chardi Kala


The word Kala from Sanskrit origin gives a dominant meaning which is ‘Energy’. and the word Chardi, in Punjabi means rising, ascending, soaring.

So, Chardi Kala can be translated as an intensely energized, ever–ascending state of the spirit of an individual or of a group.


Chardi kala is the state of mind in which a person has no negative emotions like

  • Fear
  • Jealousy
  • Enmity

Instead the mind has many positive feelings including

  • Joy
  • Satisfaction
  • Self-dignity


Sikhs believe in the will of God (bhana) meaning that what ever is happening is according to divine will. 

This attitude of “Chardi Kala” is to allow one to sail through the ups and downs of life with as little harm as possible to the individual.

To join and help others in their hour of need is “Chardi Kala” spirit.

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What does Chardi Kala mean to you?


A set of lines said at end in Aardaas (Sikh daily prayers) are

“ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਮ ਚੜ੍ਹਦੀ ਕਲਾ ॥

ਤੇਰੇ ਭਾਣੇ ਸਰਬੱਤ ਦਾ ਭਲਾ ॥.”

“Nanak asks for ‘Naam’ (name of God) with which comes well being, happiness and positive spirit and with your blessings,

Lord may everyone in the world prosper and be in peace”

Power of Chardi Kala

“Chardi Kala is…  eternal optimism. Yes, but it’s not just a bumbling through life saying yeah, it’s all good. No worries

because Chardi Kala isn’t laziness with the excuse and justification of life being invited to come.

It’s about recognizing the struggles in life, the sorrow the pain, the regret, and being able to look all that in the eye and still say, it’s a good life and that it’s a blessing that Waheguru Ji has given me the opportunity to live such a life.”

What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Hardev singh

“Always in happiness”


by Gurbani Singh

To me, ChardiKala means being in a state of positivity, being optimistic, and having the courage to accept what is happening in life.

This doesn’t mean that for example you can be lazy and not work and “accept” the fact that you are then broke. It means that if you lose your job, you don’t constantly think negatively about yourself or the situation, but then instead you accept it, and be positive that you will find a new job soon and everything will be okay!

There are millions of examples of ways you can incorporate ChardiKala into your life for the better. Our Guru jis in Sikhi always showed this through their teachings.

The last week in December is Shaheedi week.

The chotey Sahibzade at the young and tender ages of 6 and 9 years old, were forced to live in a tall tower with no warmth of shelter from the cold and the winds instead of converting to Islam.

When they knew they were going to be taken away from their grandmother for the last time in their lives, they were not sad or scared, instead they stayed in a mindset of ChardiKala and were smiling and proud to give themselves for Sikhi as it was Waheguru’s hukam for them.

When they were being bricked alive as a result of refusing to convert their religion, they were praying, reciting the Mul Mantar the whole time. These young children as well as so many more martyrs that we remember in Sikhi sacrificed their lives with no regret because they kept themselves in ChardiKala.  

What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Raminder Singh Sahota

To me, Chardiyan Kalan means

‘being in a state of constant bliss’,

one can only be in that state when he/she is ‘awake’ i.e., knowing the meaning of Hukam and accepting it.

It is also a state of gratitude which in turn radiates positivity. A Chardi Kalan person is a true Sikh – one who is Self Actuated, a constant learner who grows each day with knowledge and wisdom whilst remaining humble, knowing that everything received is a gift from Waheguru. 🙏

What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Harneet Kaur

My mom told me that chardi kala stands for staying present into the moment and not behind time or generation!

There are other ways to refer chardi kala! But this is what I refer to it as!

What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Mandeep Singh Shahpuri

“Right virtuous path with true intelligence..

Sumat, saddbudhi and margdarshan..

Those who are blessed to walk in the righteous path with true intelligence, to me are in CHARDIKALA”


What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Kireet Butail

“A state of balance… equanimity”


What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Gurpreet Kaur

Chardi kala is the state of mind in which a person has a positive attitude…no negative emotions.

Believe that, “Everything happens for a reason”…wait on God and trust in him.

Realize that if a door closed, it’s because what was behind it wasn’t meant for you. Thank life for happening, thank every twist & turn…there is a reason for every single thing!

There are other ways to refer chardi kala! But this is what I refer to it as!


What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Mandeep Singh

“Right virtuous path with true intelligence”


What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Hartesh

“Always being in a positive frame of mind and accepting things as they come, good or bad.

never being let down with negativity, always feeling blessed that a guiding light to showing us the way.

however it is and whatever happens it is Waheguruji’s Bhaana”


What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Jatinder

“To keep positive mindset in all situations good or bad.”


What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Mandeep

“To me Chardi Kala means acceptance (in good and bad) and being fearless – standing up against injustice of all kind.”


What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Inderjot



What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Jaspreet

“Chardi kala to me is a state of pure bliss, that is backed by gratitude.

Gratitude is a state of acceptance that gives the strength to follow the Guru’s ‘bhana’ and live life to its best.

A life in which we follow the path shown by our Guru. Hence the tenet of Chardi kala helps us live life with positivity and face every challenge of life with resilience, gratitude and humility.

I wish that Chardi Kala be upon us all”


What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Shilpy



What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Jas

Always to be

  • Cheerful
  • In high spirits
  • Positive
  • Buoyant
  • Optimistic


What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Bharpur Singh Dhiman

“Every Moment in Positively”


What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Hardev Singh

“Always in happyness”


What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Harinder Singh

“Joy, satisfaction, self-dignity”


What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Abhi

“Always up”

What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Ashmeet singh

“Be in power”

What does Chardi Kala mean to me?

by Karamjit Kaur

“For me as a person i have no negative emotions like fear, jealousy or enmity.”

Below from a recently circulated WhatsApp post:

*“ Chardhi Kala ”*

As we approach Gurupurab, the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak dev Ji, the first Guru of the Sikhs, I am reminded of the unique concept of leading life with the spirit of  *’Chardhi Kala’*.

The art of living in high spirits and eternal optimism is the slogan given to us by Guru Gobind Singh, the Tenth Sikh Guru which means: *“keep your spirits high, no matter what the situation. Have faith, keep doing good and stay positive. Do your best, then leave the rest to God.”*

This concept is commonly translated as “high morale,” but it is much more than that.

According to the Encyclopaedia of Sikhism, “It stands for a perennially blossoming, unwilting spirit, a perpetual state of certitude resting on unwavering belief in Divine justice.”

*Chardhi Kala* is a mental state that keeps us strong during the most difficult moments in life – even when we face a life and death situation. It is a spirit of defiance of all hardships.

Every repetition of this slogan reminds us that Sikhs are tenacious men and women who do not lose faith.

This positive thinking brings a calm, peaceful and positive mind that doesn’t get bothered with obstacles of life.

This concept is central to Sikhism and forms a very important and essential role in the religious philosophy of the Sikh Gurus.

To be in *Chardi Kala* is the ability to rise above adversity, challenges and difficult times. It is to accept whatever is going on in our lives with gratitude and with a neutral mind.

The Ardas in the Sikh religion ends with the line: *”Nanak Naam Chardi Kala, teraa bhane sarbat da bhala”* essentially meaning, *”Nanak, with your name comes Chardi Kala”* and with your blessings, there shall be peace & happiness for everyone.”

May you always be in *Chardhi Kala* and Stay Blessed Forever!

His preachings are timeless & easy to follow:

  • Kirat Karo  – Earn a living honestly.
  • Naam Japo  – Chant the Holy Name and thus remember God at all times
  • Vand ke Chhakho – Share with others, help the needy.

Sonny Singh - Chardi Kala

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