In ancient India there was a King called Janak. One day, after having eaten a filling lunch, King Janak fell asleep and dreamed he had lost a battle, his kingdom and ran for his…
Posts Published byJas Wellness Leader, Meditation Instructor, Transformation & Life Coach
Certified in Chopra Health & Meditation, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology & Resilience.
With 20+ years of experience, he has led 100+ meditation sessions and seminars.
Learn more about Jas's Life coaching programs at Master Game of Life
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Story: Of what benefit is power without wisdom
There was a Siddha who possessed great psychic powers During a winter day on the mountain, he encountered a very heavy rainstorm. Rain was pouring down and it was very cold. He did not have…
If you can’t fly, then run…
If you are looking for motivation and inspiration, what a beautiful quote by Martin Luther King Jr. about doing what you can no mattter where you are in you life. Resilience is the capacity to…
Anger & Spiritual Progress
Once there was a teaching event organized and a Monk was invited. The Monk arrived in plain dirty clothes not looking anything like a wise learned person. He was not recognized and refused entry towards…
Reduce Stress
I have heard it quoted many times that 80 percent of the diseases are caused my over selves mainly due to stress. They are psychosomatic in nature; symptoms caused by mental and emotional disturbances. Disease…
A Journey Called LIFE
Story of Month: A Journey Called LIFE A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. “What food might this contain?” the mouse wondered. He…
10 Achievable New Year Resolutions to Improve Your Life in 2025
As the new year approaches, many people take the opportunity to reflect on their lives and set goals for personal growth and development. However, it is important to set achievable resolutions that are realistic and…
Medicine Buddha Mantra
TAYATA, OM BEKANDZE BEKANDZE MAHA BEKANDZE BEKANDZE, RADZA SAMUNGATE SOHA Pronounced: Tie-ya-tar, om beck-and-zay beck-and-zay ma-ha beck-and-zay beck-and-zay run-zuh sum-oon-gut-eh so-ha. Om: we begin with Om, the under-current tone of the universe Namo: means yielding or full…
Green Tara Mantra
The Tara mantra is OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SVAHA. Meaning of the Green Tara Mantra Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 1987 provides meaning and benefits of practicing Tara’s powerful mantra.
Balance with Ayurveda Mind-Body Prakruti Quiz
Are you’re seeking balance in your life? If so, consider taking a holistic approach. Embrace Holistic Health to enhance your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being by learning about Ayurveda, an ancient system of health and…