What is Chardi Kala? In Sikhism, Chardi Kala Charhdi Kala, is the Punjabi term for aspiring to maintain a mental state of eternal resilience, optimism and joy;
Posts TaggedResilience
The best way to predict the future is to create it
Are you Stuck, Struggling and need Inspiration? If you are looking for motivation, here is an Inspirational Quote by Abraham Lincoln that inspires us to go and create our future. The basic message in this…
I take the roads less traveled to explore – Robin Sharma
If you are at a point where you are wondering if to take the risk and go for it OR take the easy part, this quote will help inspire you to go for it. Be…
It is not the strongest of the species that survives – Charles Darwin
Are you Adaptable? Are you easily able to take the information, process and change course of action? The first time I read the quote,“It is not the strongest of the species that survives…“, I only…
The greater danger for most of us – Michelangelo
Do you limit yourself when setting goals? We often compromise and set goals that are within reach and don’t challenge our comfort zone. The first time I read the quote,“The greater danger for most of…
I saw the Angel in the marble and carved until I set him free – Michelangelo
Do you envision the results you desire? Are you clear on what you are seeking and have a path to follow? Knowing where you are going, seeing it very clear in your mind helps in…
Never lose infinite HOPE – Dr. King
If you are looking for motivation and inspiration, what a beautiful quote by Martin Luther King Jr. to never loose HOPE. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness; Having a positive mindset…
If you can’t fly, then run…
If you are looking for motivation and inspiration, what a beautiful quote by Martin Luther King Jr. about doing what you can no mattter where you are in you life. Resilience is the capacity to…
A diamond is a chunk of Coal that did well Under Pressure
If you are looking for motivation and inspiration, what a beautiful quote that reminds us that we can be shaped by adversity. We can learn to handle the pressure, we are the captain of our…
I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship
If you are looking for motivation and inspiration, what a beautiful quote by Louisa Alcott from her book Little Woman about how to not be afraid of the up and downs in life. If we…