You can’t win the game, if you don’t even play it

You can’t win the game, if you don’t even play it

Robin Sharma quote is inspiring us with this quote to not be an outsider or just imagine and talk. To win the game we have to play it. To play we have to prepare, practice, and make the effort. Take the step and act. 

If you are waking up and struggling to get going, start your day with Positive Quotes like this and combine them with repeating Positive Affirmations.

Apply the below technique as a way to change your mindset:

  1. REFLECT:  What comes to mind that you wish to change that you have been thinking about but have not done something about? What is preventing you?
  2. RESPOND: Break the pattern, STOP the procrastination and commit to taking a step. Start right now with a small step. Get up, Breathe and do one stretch – that is a step. Then take the next step. 
  3. INTEGRATE: Every day when you wake up think about your purpose, your goal, your aspiration, or anything you want to change and achieve. Take steps every day and play the game to win it. 

Combine reading and applying Reflect and Respond practice with an Affirmation:

I am READY to Rise and Bloom!

I breathe in CALMNESS, breathe out STRESS & ANXIETY. 

I am always POSITIVE!


AFFIRM IT if you agree, and REPEAT this affirmation daily, during the day, every day to that I am READY to Rise and Bloom!

“You can’t win the game, if you don’t even play it.”

Robin Sharma

About the Author of Quote: Robin Sharma  – READ Robin Sharma TOP 100 Quotes

Robin Sharma is a Canadian inspirational writer, best known for his The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari book series.

Sharma worked as a lawyer until age 25, when he self-published MegaLiving (1994), a book on stress management and spirituality. Sharma has published 12 other books and founded the training company Sharma Leadership International. 

He has written many popular books:

5 AM Club, The: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.

The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in Life

Who Will Cry When You Die?

Robin Sharma: You can't win the game, if you don't even play it

Post Author:  Jas. Singh. I have often found myself searching for positive quotes for myself, for my daughters. I have made it my goal to publish daily posts with Positive, Inspiring quotes that are encouraging for us to learn from and apply into our daily lives.

I encourage you to not only read this quote but also to think and write does it mean to you, what and how you will apply it. If you are a leader or manager, inspire, motivate and share the positive quote with others.

I loved this quote when I first heard it. I found it inspiring and it made me pause and think, what will the world remember me with when I depart? Will I leave a legacy or will I have left an impression that my family, friends and others will remember me with?

So today, I am committing to: 

  1. Every day make a positive difference and help each and every person I meet and interact with.
  2. Balance my life between commitment to daily spiritual, streching practices, work and spending quality time with my family and friends.
  3. Contribute in ways that could help others long after I am gone. 

In this way I will do my part to leave the world in a better place in ways I can.  

What will you do? Please share below in comments


Consider Mindfulness meditation as a way to help calm down and reflect on the message.

You  read all of my past Top 50 positive encouraging-Quotes


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