Health is a light body, freedom from cravings…

Health is more than absence of disease.

Stay fit physically, Calm mentally, and nourish your soul by practicing Holistic Health. 

Meditate and let go – of what is not needed. Make room the room for next breath. Create room by fully letting go of the last breath.

Read more on Letting Go Mindfulness foundation.


A beautiful quote from Upanishad inspires us to

Practice Holistic Health

“Health is a light body, freedom from cravings.

a glowing skin, sonorous voice, fragrance of body:

these signs indicate progress in the practice of meditation” 




An affirmation can help to remind us and attain the quality of Letting go and flowing. Affirm this by writing it, repeating it: 

“I let go of what’s not needed”




Are you are Ready today to take the step? 

Take a deep breath and while breathing out,

Let go and RELEASE of what is no longer needed!

    Find time to reflect
    Sit comfortably and just focusing on Breathing.
    Notice the natural breathing and the air going in and out
    Once settled, think about an event that happened a long time ago.
    See what thoughts come to mind, how your breath changes, do you feel any sensations.

    Ask yourself, is what I am holding on too, helping me? Is it serving me?
    Remind yourself to make room so next breath can come in.
    Let go as each breath leaves the body.
  3. INTEGRATE: Any time you feel overwhelmed or Anxious, Remember to Breathe and Let go.

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