Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away
If you find yourself not able to focus, your mind goes all over try below practice with Mindfulness meditation:
- REFLECT: Close your eyes, take a deep breath and Relax. See what thoughts are coming to mind? Do any thoughts of past or what will happen in future distract you?
- RESPOND: Break the pattern, PAUSE, breathe and Relax; Allow and choose to Let go and Let be in this moment. Come back to breath every time any thoughts come.
- INTEGRATE: Any time during the day, when you feel stressed or worried, take a pause and remember this quote.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breaths away.
Maya Angelou
About the Author of Quote: Maya Angelou was an American poet, a memoir writer, and a civil rights activist. She published seven autobiographies ( biographies written by herself ), three books of essays, several books of poetry, and is actually credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning for over 50 years! She received dozens of awards and more than 50 honorary degrees.

Consider Mindfulness meditation as a way to help calm down and reflect on the message.
You can read all of my past Top 50 positive encouraging-Quotes.
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