AFFIRMATION: I accept things the way they are!

AFFIRMATION: I accept things the way they are!

If you are having hard time focusing, being present, here in this moment, this Affirmation & Guided meditation is for you to try and practice.

Close your eyes, breathe, let go and Relax! It can be as simple as that and no matter what is happening, this little reminder to pause and accept they way things are and this can help us to be Present in the moment.

Take a deep breath, Allow yourself to Relax. Repeat the Affirmation saying following and allowing yourself to relax: 

I accept things the way they are!


Apply the below technique as a way to change your mindset and program your mind to always know deeply that you are relaxed and calm!

There are seven attitudinal foundations of mindfulness described by Jon Kabat-Zinn as the “major pillars of mindfulness practice”. The second one is Acceptance: First step towards being in the moment is Acknowledging and accepting things just the way they are. With acceptance comes freedom. It opens us to a window to wisdom.

Try below practice to cultivate Acceptance as part of your Mindfulness meditation: 

REFLECT: As you settle, on Acceptance – what thoughts come to mind? What are you easily able to accept and what events, people, thing are harder to accept? 

See if you can Note your thoughts, feelings and sensations without getting hooked into the experience. If you feel any light or strong emotions like anger, anxiety, feelings like worry.

RESPOND: Come back to breathing, slow deep breathing. Let go of whats not needed, accepting things as they are. Let breath help you calm and from here decide with your power of choice – what you want and choose to do.

INTEGRATE: Remember this “Acceptance” exercise. Breathe Relax, Accept and Choose what you would like to focus on.

AFFIRM IT if you agree, and REPEAT this affirmation daily, during the day that, accept things the way they are!

Combine reading and applying Reflect and Respond practice with Mindfulness’s foundation of ACCEPTANCE and this quote:

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”

Lao Tzu

We all have limiting beliefs that prevent us from doing more than we think we can. 

We all go through tough times in our lives and often due to things that have happened in past, feel we are not capable, worthy or we can’t. 

We strongly believe that repeating an affirmation can change the way we think of our self and of others. And if that thought happens to be a positive one, then it can do wonders for those who read it and apply it. 

Studies shows that Positive Affirmations are a powerful way to improve our mindset on a daily basis. How we start our mornings, sets our entire day. We must start our day with gratitude, love and care of each other.  

We hope to help you rewrite your day into a positive one with a Daily Affirmation. 


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Start your week with an Inspiration