No idea works unless you do the work

No idea works unless you do the work. Ideation without execution is delusion

Robin Sharma

I like many others have had many ideas, read many nice self help books and inspiring quotes. But have often not done anything with them. This quote is a perfect example and inspires us to take action.

Do the Work!

I heard a talk on qualities of a good leader by Ajay Banga, CEO Mastercard and what stood out was how you by applying decency to 3 qualities of a leader can be a difference between a good leader and great one who is capable of changing things for the better.

Urgency, Curiosity, Competitiveness paired with decency can be:

  • Thoughtful Urgency = Quick action informed by listening
  • Focused Curiosity, deep desire to understand guided by Purpose
  • Competitive Paranoia = ability to expect the unexpected, driven to understand your customers then you are able to see things from miles away

So today, I am committing to:

  1. Having Urgency & pairing with listening to have a plan of action on what is important to act on
  2. To focus the Curiosity on what I have chosen as my purpose
  3. To have competitiveness that is driven to first understand and then offer solutions that will help others

What will you do? Please share below in comments

No idea works unless you do the work
knowing is not enough we must apply

My name is Jas. Singh, I have often found myself searching for positive quotes for myself, for my daughters. I have made it my goal to publish daily posts with Positive, Inspiring quotes that are encouraging for us to learn from and apply into our daily lives. 

If you are a parent with youth kids or teenage son, daughter, boy or girl, I hope you find my posts inspirational and motivating. 

I encourage you to not only read this quote but also to think and write does it mean to you, what and how you will apply it.  Encourage your kids to read and write what this means to them & how they will apply this quote to their lives. If you are a leader or manager, inspire, motivate and share the positive quote with others. 

Consider Mindfulness meditation as a way to help calm down and reflect on the message.

You can read all of my past Top 50 positive encouraging-Quotes

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