Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them

What is your attitude in life, do you wait for things to happen OR go get what you want in life? This quote is a reminder and inspires us to wake up and get going for what we want. Good things might come if we wait but even better things can come if we are positive and go work for them.

Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them.

Abraham Lincoln

Hey everyone, I am sure that you have heard of Abraham Lincoln. He was the 16th president of the United States as well as an advocate for civil rights and the only President to abolish slavery across America. He is also known for being on the U.S.A. penny, and wearing his notorious top hat.

Now that we have explained a little bit about the great Abe Lincoln to those who may not know, let’s talk about the quote.

Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them…, I like this quote because it shows that you cannot expect things to be handed to you, such as jobs, relationships, oppurtunities, etc. they are there for you to have of course, but only if you work for them. You have to be good enough, if that makes sense, to be worthy of receiving those things.

If you wait and wait and wait etc. for someone who you can be in a long-term relationship with you, you will eventually get it, but if you go out, look for your soulmate, or whatever you want to call it, you will have a better chance at meeting them and maybe even find someone who loves doing something you love as well.

All I want you guys to do is try to go out and find opportunities for yourself rather than waiting for them to come to you. Doing so will result in more happiness because you will be able to do things faster and have more time to do things that you want, etc.

Combine with an Affirmation, “I Imagine, I believe and I go get!

My name is Gurbani Singh. Since I am a teenager, I often find myself searching for positive quotes for girls. After reading these I have made it a goal to post Positive and Inspiring quotes daily. I hope that these are as encouraging to you as they are for me to learn from and apply to our daily lives.

If you are a parent, I hope you find my posts inspirational and motivating. 

Encourage your kids to read and write what this means to them & how they can apply this quote to their lives. Also, consider learning and practicing breathing meditation as a way to help relax and reflect on the message.

You can read all of my encouraging quotes for teens

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