Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right

What you think is important and leads directly to the results. So take a pause and look at your attitude in anything you do. You will be right as the outcomes are related to what you think. As a positive step, think you can then do everything needed, work hard to achieve the results.

Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, … you’re right

Henry Ford

By Gurbani: Hey everyone! Today’s post is by Henry Ford, who you probably have heard of at some point. Henry Ford was an American industrialist. I am sure you have heard of his company, the Ford automobile business. They are known widely across the world.

Now that you know a bit about Henry Ford, we can get started on talking about his quote which i like a lot. I think that his quote can be interpreted as you like because it depends on your mindset. What my mind interprets from this is that if you tell yourself you aren’t good enough and don’t want to actually care about yourself, then you know what? Deal with it. You cannot expect to say all these things about yourself and when someone calls you out on it be mad about it. You are putting this on your self, and that is the harsh reality. Now this part may have seemed super non-motivational, but the reality is that if you believe in yourself and have confidence in yourself, you can actually do anything you want because if people doubt you that should give you even more motivation to prove them wrong.

That was a lot in one paragraph, wow. But my point is that you have to have confidence in yourself. Who cares if you don’t fit the standards that you think society has? Please learn to be good enough for yourself and not change yourself for others. Whether it is your eating habits, your body, weight, looks, religion, etc. Don’t, change, anything. Society these days can either be more hurtful, but they are starting to become more accepting. I promise you, if you have confidence in yourself you will only do things for yourself and not for others, as well as that will make you feel better about yourself.

positive quotes you can henry ford - ReflectandRespond

My name is Gurbani Singh. Since I am a teenager, I often find myself searching for positive quotes for girls. After reading these I have made it a goal to post Positive and Inspiring quotes daily. I hope that these are as encouraging to you as they are for me to learn from and apply to our daily lives.

If you are a parent, I hope you find my posts inspirational and motivating. 

Encourage your kids to read and write what this means to them & how they can apply this quote to their lives. Also, consider learning and practicing breathing meditation as a way to help relax and reflect on the message.

You can read all of my encouraging quotes for teens

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