You can waste your lives drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them

Quote reminds us to look at our lives and see if we are spending time creating barriers or finding ways to get through them. One example I can remember is that there are always things to improve on. One can point out the problem or an advice I was given once with problem speak to how you would solve them. So we can use this quote as a reminder to spend our valuable time on find solutions and ways to make our and others lives better.

You can waste your lives drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them

Shonda Rhimes

Hey everyone! Today’s post is by Shonda Rhimes, another person who i did not know before writing this post. The crazy thing is. that she is super famous! She is a television producer who produced such as Grey’s Anatomy! She has also written an insane amount of books! I know that money doesn’t define a person, but her net worth is $140 Million! That is absolutely crazy, I can only imagine getting a sliver of that one day.

So let’s go to the quote now. I like this quote because it isn’t super fancy, it is more of a get to the point kind of quote. People think that if you have plans for something, then you should draw a line so that you don’t overdo it. But even if you think about setting boundaries, you shouldn’t necessarily do it all the time. You will never want to be super high because you will have no idea what that adrenaline rush/ excitement is when you are higher than everyone else.

If you decide that you agree with the previous statement, and you think that you agree with crossing the lines in a positive way, you my friend, are a smart person. You can always be average and just go with the minimum. But you will never be higher and never get better if you do not push yourself to actually do so.

I encourage you all to try your best to cross the lines. If it is not a negative thing that you are doing, then keep on going! You should always push to give yourself a rush to the great things and try to learn what gets the rush going, as well as what keeps it going.

positive quote waste-cross-lines

My name is Gurbani Singh. Since I am a teenager, I often find myself searching for positive quotes for girls. After reading these I have made it a goal to post Positive and Inspiring quotes daily. I hope that these are as encouraging to you as they are for me to learn from and apply to our daily lives.

If you are a parent, I hope you find my posts inspirational and motivating. 

Encourage your kids to read and write what this means to them & how they can apply this quote to their lives. Also, consider learning and practicing breathing meditation as a way to help relax and reflect on the message.

You can read all of my encouraging quotes for teens

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