When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Joe Kennedy

Have you or anyone else gone through a tough time? Whether it was mild or severe, we all need to remember not to give up.
Kennedy wants us to understand that when times get tough, the people who are strong get started on how to fix the problem or make the situation better.

During current time of lockdown due to Covid-19, its a tough time time for everyone including myself as a teen age kid. In my life in a way this is one of first major challenges and difficult time I have faced. I was to graduate from eight grade this year and instead have been home and not able to go to school or meet any of my friends.

What have I done to work through this tough time? I will write soon and hope this quote inspires you that regardless of any tough time you are going through that you as a tough person get through it.

What can we do during tough times?

During tough times, I urge you all not to sit around and let the situation get you down. Take action and do what you can no matter how small to get going.

teen inspiring quotes when things get tough - ReflectandRespond

My name is Gurbani Singh. Since I am a teenager, I often found myself searching for positive quotes for girls. After reading these I have made it a Goal to post Positive and Inspiring quotes daily. I hope that these are encouraging for us to learn from and apply to our daily lives. 

If you are a parent with youth kids or teenage son, daughter, boy or girl, I hope you find my posts inspirational and motivating. 

Encourage your kids to read and write what this means to them & how they will apply this quote to their lives. Also, consider learning and practicing breathing meditation as a way to help calm down and reflect on the message.

You can read all of my encouraging quotes for teens

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