The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary

Hey everyone! Today we have a post on a quote by Vidal Sassoon.

Now I had never heard of him before, but something I just learned is that he was a British Hairstylist, and actually invented the Bob Cut!

So I am sure you have heard of it, and although you may not remember it, it is sort of hard for me to explain so I will try my best. If you don’t really understand after I explain, don’t worry, just search it up and I am 99% sure you have seen someone with a bob cut at some point. It is basically a short to a short-medium haircut, in which the hair is typically cut straight around the head at about your jaw level. The standard bob cut is normally cut either between or just below the tips of the ears, to right above your shoulders.

the only place work before success

Anyways, this blog post is definitely not about a haircut, it is about motivation. I did get a little off-topic by talking about haircuts but no need to worry (I mean I am sure you really didn’t notice), We are going to talk about the quote now. “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.

Vidal Sassoon

I like this quote because the way I interpret it is that it is telling us that even though we all want success and have our own ideals of success in our own minds, we cannot expect to just have it happen and not have to do anything for it. As much as you may want that to happen, it just won’t. Maybe you have parents who will give you everything, but what are you going to do when they are gone? You won’t know how to work for anything and life will be much much harder for you in the end once they are unfortunately gone.

So my main understanding of this quote is that

You cannot expect hard work to not happen and success to just come to you.

No one, as much as you think they don’t work hard, no one, has gotten success like that, and even if they did, it was for a sliver of a moment and then they lost it because they didn’t work hard to ensure that success would stay with them. Go follow your dreams, stay organized, and work, hard.

Let’s combine this with the Affirmation:

“I work hard and am successful!”

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