Taffy Health Coach

Taffy’s mission is

to help others to transform their lives with a shorter journey and achieve their life goals or dreams faster with the most desired results by holistic approach through energy healing, holobody coaching, and creating/cooking tasty healthy quick meals.
“As I have been going through this journey and experience the true benefits from my new life experiences, now I want to pay it forward.” Taffy Health Coach

Taffy is a health coach and provides following programs and services

Taffy Healing session and coach


Taffy transmits the healing energy from the Universe to helps enhance your healing abilities. The healing sessions are available over Zoom.

All you need is 5 minutes!

With my healing session you will receive enormous energy for your optimal health!

READ MORE about Taffy’s Healing sessions

Coaching ladies - ReflectandRespond

Holobody Coaching

Using Holobody approach, effortlessly synchronize with the peak body you want to live in.

Holobody Coaching takes you far deeper into the realm of consciousness engineering. By exploring and rewiring your innermost beliefs, habits, and models of reality, you’ll experience a profound shift in your identity: and emerge as a brand new person who effortlessly embodies your health and fitness goals for a lifetime.

READ MORE about Taffy’s Holobody Coaching

Taffy was born and raised in Vietnam. She came to the United States when she was twenty one years old. I have been living in Baltimore Maryland for three years since 2019 with my husband of 24 years of marriage and two amazing teenagers. Now she is living the life that she feels she truly deserves.

Taffy is healthier and happier than ever before. She feel blessed that she  has unique talents to offer to the world.

Taffy says:

“I am proud and appreciate who I am becoming, and how much I am growing and evolving compare to my younger version 2 years ago.

In 2020, I still didn’t know my purpose in life. For more than 15 years, I felt stressed and overwhelmed every day being a working-fulltime mom, being a wife, and being a daughter of a mom who has biopolar condition and insomnia. My daily routine was cooking, taking care of the kids, working 8-5, helping kids homework, bathing the kids, house chores. I woke up daily from 6am and not go to bed until 12:00am or 1:00 am. I barely had 5 hours sleeping and felt exhausted all the time. I always judged myself for never getting things done on time and never had enormous health and energy. I never knew what was my purpose in this life. Although I love my family a lot, but I didn’t want to continue living in that condition.

Until April 2021, I started to look for ways to transform my life; I wanted to live a happy fulfilling life. By fate, I saw a Mindvalley Ad with Vishen Lakhiani on YouTube, a learning platform for self-development and life transformation. I was very excited about this new discovery. I knew this was what I needed to transform my life. I made a commitment to invest in my personal development.

It has been one year and a half of working on myself, becoming a Holobody coach with Mindvalley; becoming an energy healer, plus taking more personal-growth programs, my life has transformed completely. I am always grateful for my mentors and spiritual teachers such as Marie Diamond, Vishen Lakhiani, Ronan Diego de Oliveira, Ajit Nawalkha, Marisa Peer, Ken Honda, and many more.”

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