Failure is so important and often leads to greater success!

“Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success.”

JK Rowling

If you read my previous post “SUCCESS IS WALKING FROM FAILURE TO FAILURE…”, it was similar to this. We need to learn that success and successful people don’t just get lucky! They have gone through so many failures that help them understand what not to do in the future and that eventually leads to success.

Take Jeff Bezos for example. He is the CEO of a company that I am sure we all know, Amazon. In case you didn’t think about it, do you think that Jeff Bezos was able to create Amazon the way it is today in one shot? I can tell you right now that there have definitely been many major changes and that is great! A big one could be that Amazon tried to become a phone company. Some of their initial adopters were very disappointed because of how hard it was to use the phone, as well as they couldn’t download some of their favorite apps as well. Although Bezos had made a flopping product, he did not give up. Instead of making the fire phone, they started making other devices. They have the kindle that is doing awesome, as well as they have the amazing Alexa. Alexa has completely changed Amazon and made them a huge hit. After Bezos was doing awesome with Alexa, he became the richest person in the world! Not only does that show that the people want to make the company better for themselves and their customers or audiences, but they have not given up on their failures and they still want to keep going to make their dreams into reality.

Well do you have any advice on how to achieve success?

Well, I am only 14 so I know little about adult situations, but what I can say is that first of all, we cannot expect our dreams to instantly become a reality. We have to get up and do the work. Put time and effort towards our goals. As well as we need to understand that no matter how much effort we put in, results will not be come right away. As example, i am trying to build my blog and I cannot give up after writing one post. I need to continue to write and share as people are going to help share my posts and help me get more viewership!

Teen positive quotes

My name is Gurbani Singh. I am a teenager and often found myself searching for positive quotes for girls as I am a teenage girl. I have made it a Goal to daily post Positive and Inspiring quotes that are encouraging for us to learn from and apply into our daily lives. 

If you are a parent with youth kids or teenage son, daughter, boy or girl, I hope you find my posts inspirational and motivating. 

Encourage your kids to read and write what this means to them & how they will apply this quote to their lives. Also, consider learning and practicing breathing meditation as a way to help calm down and reflect on the message.

You can read all of my encouraging quotes for teens

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